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Aku Kadogo is the Chair of the Department of Theatre and Performance at

Spelman College.

“I began my career in the theatre on Broadway. I have pursued the possibilities of

how theatre arts can contribute to the well being of our society and perhaps make

for greater understanding between us all.

I have traveled extensively to far reaching places such as the central desert of

Australia, Papua New Guinea, Dakar, Senegal; Rio de Janiero, Brazil; Havana, Cuba;

Bali, Indonesia, Seoul, South Korea. My works incorporate influences from my

travels. I source information from the people I’ve met, and the intimate moments

I’ve had eating, dancing, laughing and sharing stories across language lines.

I love language, words, music., popular culture, ancient culture, nature. I like

exploring conflicts and decay and the possibility for hope inside of that.

My interests are people, language, cities, our relationship to the environment and

how theatre forms might inspire the wider community into action through creative


Photo by Regis Lansac