Aku Kadogo was offered and
accepted the position as Director
of the Black Theatre Program at
Wayne State University (2006
-2011). As a Senior Lecturer she
taught World Performance Studies,
Black Dramatic Literature,
Introduction to Black Theater and
directed a wide range of plays and
performance works.
Aku was and remains an active
participant in the arts community
of Detroit. She served on the
founding Program Committee for
the Museum of Contemporary
Art Detroit (MOCAD), she was
Festival Director for the Connect
the Dots Festival (2006) at the
Heidelberg Project and continues
on in an advisory capacity today.
Aku collaborated with fellow
Detroit artists: poet jessica care
moore on God is not an
American Apollo Theatre in New
York (2009), and Mike Ellison from
AfroFlow. Most recently she
directed Booker T and Them by
Kresge Foundation Eminent Artist
Bill Harris for Art X Detroit (2013).